Food Science Universe (FSU)

Food Technology MCQs Online Quiz (Part 9)

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#1. Lipids are Soluble in ________________

#2. In meat curing, NaNO3 is used for ________________

#3. Collagen & elastin are collectively called as ________________

#4. Flavour of butter is due to ________________

#5. Hydrolytic rancidity in fats & oils is due to ________________ enzyme

#6. Removal of Solids from fats and oils at selected temperature is called ________________

#7. Saturated fatty acids have ________________ melting points

#8. Naturally occurring emulsifiers are ________________ and ________________

#9. Margarine is called ________________ fat

#10. Butter is called ________________ fat

#11. Lecithin, the most commonly used emulsifier is ________________ in nature

#12. ________________ are esters of fatty acids with alcohols other than glycerol

#13. Waxes are ________________ in nature

#14. ________________ and ________________ are the examples of Proteolytic enzyme

#15. Unsaturated fatty acids called________________ are liquid at room temperature

#16. Fats are ________________ fatty acids and solids at room temperature

#17. Fats and oils are commonly called as ________________

#18. Fats and oils are the esters of ________________ and ________________

#19. Non-nutritive sugar used in foods ________________

#20. ________________ is also called table sugar

#21. ________________ is also called invert sugar

#22. ________________ is called milk sugar

#23. ________________ is the only non-reducing sugar

#24. ________________ is also called D-glucose

#25. ________________ is also called corn sugar

#26. Organic acid present in spinach is ________________

#27. ________________ is a reproductive part of the wheat grain

#28. Protein ________________ gives strength/resistance to the wheat flour

#29. Protein ________________ gives elasticity to the wheat flour

#30. Gluten is a combination of two sub-units (proteins) ________________ & ________________

#31. ________________ is called dietary fiber

#32. ________________ color pigment is formed during browning

#33. ________________ is lipid soluble coloring pigment

#34. ________________ is precursor of ethylene

#35. ________________ is the final stage of maturation & initial stage of senescence

#36. ________________ is the period when the anabolic biochemical process given way to catabolic process

#37. ________________ is present in black berries

#38. ________________ is present in grapes

#39. Fructose is also called ________________

#40. The organic acid present in apples ________________

#41. The changes take place after slaughtering is called ________________

#42. Islamic method of meat slaughtering is ________________

#43. The residue remaining after incinerating the product is called ________________

#44. The ratio of the sin of angle of incidence to the angle of reflection at a given temperature is termed as ________________

#45. The ratio of density of substance to the density of water is called ________________

#46. Any thick liquid in which tiny drops of fat & oil are evenly distributed is called ________________

#47. Fat & oil are good source of vitamin ________________

#48. Oil from animal is extracted by ________________

#49. Crude oil contains ________________ % of triglycerides

#50. ________________ is also called cane sugar

#51. Several yeasts can be used but most commonly species of genus

#52. Which set of Vitamins in food are relatively sensitive to application radiation

#53. Many reactions similar to oxidative rancidity during irradiation have been observed in _______________

#54. Deamination, Oxidation, Polymerisation and decarboxylation have been observed during irradiation in_______________

#55. Oxidation as well as condensation reactions similar to non enzymatic browning due to irradiation have been observed in_______________

#56. Radiolysis, a process by the application of ionizing radiation may occur in_______________

#57. Naturally vinegar contain acetic acid

#58. The break down of fatty material is referred to as

#59. The breakdown of protienaceous material is referred to as

#60. C6H12O6 breakdown into CH3CHCOOH + H2O. Reaction take place in the presence of

#61. C2H5OH breakdown into CH3COOH + H2O. Reaction take place in the presence of

#62. _______________ is used in alcoholic fermentation

#63. Saccharomyces Cerevisae & Saccharomyces carlbergensis are common species of yeast which are used in

#64. The Ripening process in fruits such as bananas, Tomatoes, pears, Mangoes, Guava and others can be delayed by low dose irradiation_______________

#65. Lactic fermentation product from coagulated milk in dairy industry is

#66. Streptococcus Thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are Lactic fermentar in

#67. Lactic acid bacteria utilize the sugars present in the foods and convert them into lactic acid this process is called

#68. C6H12O6 breakdown in the presence of bacteria into CH3CHCOOH + H2O

#69. Vinegar is a product of

#70. Wine is produced from

#71. Beer is produced from

#72. The fermentation in which sugars are converted into ethyl alcohol and carbondioxide

#73. _______________ is applied in the production of leavened bread and alcoholic beverages

#74. C6H12O6 breakdown in the presence of yeast into 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

#75. Yoghurt, Cheese, Pickles are included in

#76. During homogenization one globules of fat converts to ________________ fat globules

#77. Milk fat contain about ________________% unsaturated fatty acids

#78. Main constituent of carbonated soft drink ________________ , _______________& ________________

#79. ________________ casein is the only protein which contains carbohydrate moiety

#80. Whey protein ________________% of total milk

#81. Casein ________________% of total milk

#82. Pectin is a polymer of ________________

#83. Whey protein denatures at ________________°C

#84. Milk proteins are ——–and———-

#85. The globular structure of casein is due to the presence of ________________ amino acid

#86. Casein is separated from the milk at pH ________________ and temperature of ________________

#87. ________________ enzyme used in cheese making

#88. Casein is stable at ________________°C

#89. Fermentation industries include

#90. Heat treatment at 140 °C to kill the spore forming & vegetative cells also called ________________

#91. Pre-pasteurization process is also called ________________

#92. pH of milk ranges from

#93. Critical temperature for milk, is ____°C

#94. Favorable temperature for the microorganisms to grow in the milk is

#95. Beta-lactoglobulins and Alpha-Lactalbumins are ________________

#96. Margenine is an example of ________________ in ________________ emulsion

#97. Butter is an example of ________________ in ________________ emulsion

#98. Fat % age in milk is ___

#99. Milk Proteins is called________________

#100. Milk is the ________________ of mammary glands from different animals

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Food Technology MCQs Online Quiz (Part 9)



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