Food Science Universe (FSU)

Beverage Technology MCQs Online Quiz

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#1. In soft drink flavours are stable to which temperature

#2. Recommended Brix for squash preparation is

#3. …………. enzyme is present in malted beverages

#4. Most common ingredient for beer is

#5. Most common germicidal for water treatment is

#6. Fruit punches are made by mixing

#7. Advantages of carbonation are

#8. The concentration of carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages varying from

#9. There should be at-least ……… % of pulp in fruit drink

#10. Recommended Brix for syrup preparation is

#11. For black tea prcessing, fermentation of rolled leaves is done

#12. The enzyme used in fruit juice industry

#13. Most suitable method of fruit juice concentration

#14. Chocolate liquor is a

#15. The word “tea” is of

#16. Proper flavour and aroma of coffee is associated with

#17. Stimulating effect of coffee is due to

#18. Caffeine in coffee is present in the range of

#19. The sugar contributes to beverage

#20. Most commonly processed juice is

#21. In most fruit juices the major portion of total soluble solids is consists of

#22. Which of the following is stimulating beverage

#23. Beverage are classified as

#24. Beverages are consumed for

#25. Total solids for water to be used in preparing fruit juice beverage should not exceed

#26. The major ingredients of carbonated soft drink in addition to water is

#27. The most common sugar used in soft drink

#28. The alkalinity of water that used for beverage must be low

#29. No calories soft drinks are sweetened with non-nutritive sweeteners such as

#30. The percentage of water in carbonated soft drink is

#31. For preparing of fruit juice beverage the maximum alkalinity level for water is

#32. Total soluble solids for ready to drink beverage should be

#33. The maximum concentration of alcohol in beer is

#34. Which of following include in fermented beverage

#35. Anti-nutritional factor in tea is

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Beverage Technology MCQs Online Quiz



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